
Joe Ricks
Joe has served with Christian Challenge since 1992. He started as a student leader, then staff, and eventually became Director in 1998. He graduated from Western in 1994 with a degree in history. He met his wife, Angela, in Christian Challenge. He leads our weekly meetings, men's Bible study and disciples men one-on-one.

Angela Ricks
Angela graduated from Western in 1994. She serves alongside her husband in ministry by leading women's Bible study, discipling students and planning events. Angela loves working with students one-on-one and having people over to her home. She enjoys hiking, walking with friends and just being outside.
Contact Christian Challenge
Get in touch with Christian Challenge Collegiate Ministries to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.
523 N. Pine Street Gunnison, CO 81230
Joe Ricks 970-596-6827 / Angela Ricks 970-417-8382